Today was the first full day of Insanity. And I'll say, it is quite a fitting name. The disk is about 45 minutes long. You jump right into the warm up which again isn't your typical warmup. You're really moving quick and before it's over, you're sweating buckets. And there is no break in between the different moves in the warmup. Just one after another for about 3.5 minutes. And just when it is over, he throws a wrench in and does it all over again! Except faster this time. And wouldn't you know it...we finish that one and ONE MORE TIME! Ugh. I just remembered trying to focus on my breathing and remembering that I won't be able to keep up with the people on the disk.
It was a crazy workout. While shorter than the p90x plyo workout, I really do feel that it is far more intense. The p90x plyo one is a really good workout, but this is on a totally different level. It's just one after the other and max reps as fast as you can. Non-stop.
The meal plan has been going pretty good so far. The hardest part is planning out the meals. But, it's working so far. Bottom line is that I am really excited about moving forward. Till tomorrow!
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