We decided a couple days before leaving that we were going to go see the Michael Jackson Immortal cirque du Soleil show at Mandalay Bay. When we were searching for tickets, we found some in the 100 level initially. These tickets were over $100 each so we decided to look in the next lowest price tier (around $70). We found some in section 210 so we decided to go with that. We've been to other shows in the past (Viva Elvis and Terry Fator) and sat in the near back and the seats weren't terrible. We figured these couldn't be that bad.
I am a huge MJ fan. He is the one concert that I had never been able to see in person, and I will always be sad about that. So at least being able to see this, makes me feel a little better. We missed it when it came to Seattle, and this show will only be in Vegas for about 5 weeks.
We got to Mandalay bay a few hours before the show to go pick up our tickets at will call. Figured we would just hang out at that end of the strip until the show. We did some people watching, which I usually love. But people watching at that end of the strip isn't nearly as fun as around O'Sheas or Planet Hollywood. But anyway, we hang out and play a few slot machines and wait until about 6:15 and head back to the event center. There were so many people heading to the show...it was nuts.
The will call line was easily 100 deep, so I was glad we came earlier and already got our tickets We heard over through the metal detectors and decide to get in line for some snacks. Shock Top on tap and a 32oz glass later, we found our way to the seats. Amazing seats. Granted, you aren't going to see the costume detail or facial expressions of the performers, but the overhead view of the entire stage makes up for it. When we saw the Beatles Love show, we were in row 3. Amazing seats, but you kind of miss some of the higher acrobatics.
In terms of Cirque shows, this isn't the best...by far. Beatles Love is the best I've seen. I'd even have to rate the Viva Elvis show better than this one. Again, only in terms of it being a cirque show. But I'd be hard pressed to really classify this as a cirque show. It was more of a tribute show I think. Yes, they had some of the crazy Cirque performers and they were amazing. But a lot of the dancing was MJ dancing. It definitely was to pay homage the amazing performances that Michael Jackson produced.
When we went to the Beatles show, it was all the dancing and performances done to Beatles music; where the Beatles were actually singing the songs. when we went to the Elvis show, it was the performers that were singing the Elvis songs. That show would have been leaps and bounds better had they had actual Elvis tracks playing instead of the performers singing. So I was a little weary about this show, and really hoping that it was MJ songs being performed by him. And that it was.
They had a few songs from the Jackson 5 days, and some of his earlier songs. But all the hits were done. And I'll tell you what, it was really hard to not cry at a couple of the songs. Heal the World...forget about it. I cried. The way this show was put on, it really forces you to listen to the songs. Everyone knows his songs, but not everyone really listens to the words and message he was trying to portray through his music. When there are some performers out there and video clips playing, you really just absorb everything and the true song comes out. And some times, it's just too much. At one point, I looked over and Kaitlyn had lost it. Even glancing around at the rest of the crowd you could see people wiping at their eyes.
There would be zero hesitation on my part if I had the opportunity to see this show again. And I would tell anyone who is even slightly intrigued or inspired by his music to see this show if you have a chance. This was 100% completely worth the money.
This was quite possibly my favorite part of this trip (and I had some very good luck at the tables too, but more on that later). I know he has always been the 'weird' one in the music industry. but hey...all the great ones are, right? But all that aside, you can't deny the amazing artist that he was. And really listening to his songs, all he ever wanted was to make the world a better place. Say what you will about the man, but there will never be another Michael Jackson.

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