
Thursday, April 28, 2011

p90x - pull up update

I wasn't planning on posting an update tonight, but then during the workout something exciting happened. Tonight was back and biceps, and involved doing a lot of pulls ups and curls. Well, one of the pull ups that we had to do was the corn cob pulls ups. In the past, I haven't been able to do them without the help of a chair. Well tonight, I was able to do 4...and with pretty good form. For those that don't know what these are, they are regular pull ups. When you're at the top, you move your body side to side, and then front to back...then you go down. I was really excited that I am now able to do these with somewhat of ease. Still nothing close to the 10 or so that they are doing in the film, but hey...whatever. haha.

So anyway, just wanted to mention that. Only a few more days left in this week.

We're actually considering doing Insanity next.


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