
Friday, October 10, 2008

Getting ready to fly out

It is now Monday morning. We wake up kind of early (for vacation standards) and get all packed up. Kaitlyn's brother comes and picks us up from the hotel and takes us to the house. Where we start to pack. Keyword: Start. How quick can we pack for a 14 day vacation? Actually it didn't take us long. My clothing options were simple. Shorts and t-shirts. Although there was a restaurant that we wanted to go to that was listed as "resort formal attire". This essentially meant nice pants and a button up shirt. Oh, and dress shoes. Damn it. I have to lug down my dress shoes just to go to dinner.

We had known about this so I went out and bought some really light pants. 100% linen. I felt SOOOOO cool. Like I was a drug lord on Miami Vice or something. Of course...I wasn't. Cool that is. Or a drug lord.

As we got most of the stuff packed, I decided that I was going to continue my search for a new MP3 player. I was really looking for the new 120GB Zune. No one had them. I called around EVERY WHERE! Multiple times too. No one had any. Of course, this may slightly be due to the fact that they weren't actually being released until tomorrow (the day after we leave). But I was hoping that someone would have them out on the shelf. They did not. What to do, what to do. So I got the new iPod Touch. For a multimedia device, it is pretty cool. As a music player, I'm not a fan. I have to manually load in all my album art. Which kind of defeats the cool slide album cover thing. I do not like iTunes.

Good thing we finished packing, because I spent the next couple of hours loading in songs into iTunes. In fact, it came right down to us needing to leave, and me waiting for this damn thing to finish syncing. I do not like iTunes. I managed to download a couple games though. A texas hold'em game and a solitaire suite of games. That'll do. But I do not like iTunes.

So iTunes finally finishes syncing my stuff and we take off. We are taking the 9:30pm flight out of Seattle to Miami. We are scheduled to land in Miami at about 5:30am local time. I'm hoping that I will be able to sleep a little on the plane. We'll see. I have my nifty new music player and game player, so we'll see how that goes.

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