I suppose technically, the honeymoon starts the day after the wedding. Some people feel it starts when you actually leave town, but then...what if you aren't leaving town. Then what? Well since we did stuff the next day, I am going to write about it.
We were both kind of tired when we got to the hotel the night before. But we sat down and ate went through our little bag that the coordinator gave us. Inside, it had a couple bags full of candy. SCORE! Also there were a couple boxes of food. We went through that and ate the steak and chicken. Passed on the vegetables because well...cooked vegetables are only good when they are warm. Otherwise they are just cold and soggy. Gross.
When we got up the next morning, we had plans to head down to the water front. The question was, do we walk or get a taxi. We were up on 6th ave. 6 blocks doesn't seem like a long walk. I guess it really wasn't. After all...it was all down hill, right? We decide to hoof it do the hill. On the way down, we somehow ended up in the middle of the Breast Cancer walk headquarters or something. It was a big stop for everyone and they were handing out samples of sausages and some water. We weren't wearing pink though, so I think they probably would have known we were part of the walk. Beside, we had a brunch to get to.
Last year, we won a free brunch cruise aboard the Royal Argosy boat. It's a nice brunch while they sail around the puget sound. A waiter came and asked us what we would like to drink. Kaitlyn wanted some soda and I got some OJ. I figured that juice was included. HA! Shows what I know. As soon as they opened the trays, I was out of my seat with Kaitlyn in tow. I knew the line was going to grow at some crazy exponential rate, and I didn't want to get stuck at the end. We were about 6th in line. Got our breakfast and sat down. I ordered another OJ.
There was another couple sitting at a booth near us. We were watching and it was like they were on a first date. They sat on opposite sides of the booth. She looked bored. I mean BORED! Just kinda of slunched over. Anyway, we were wondering what their deal was but ended up just letting it go. Time for another OJ!
We decided to go outside for a bit and see the view. It was pretty nice. There had been a wedding up there before we took off, and now they were inside on the upper deck eating. I felt like I was intruding or something. But only for a second. The view was pretty cool. It had turned out to be a nice clear day. The only problem was when we were walking from the rear of the boat to the front. Or if you are nautical...the bow to the stern. We started in the bow and walked up the starboard side towards the stern. We could have gone up the port side, but opted not to.
Ok. Enough of that. While we were walking up the side of the boat, it became very apparant that you had to be cleaver to make it up there alive. It felt like you had to walk single file in order to make it up there. I would have pressed myself up against the glass walls, had it not been for the wedding party eating right there. That would have been interesting. We safely make it up to the front of the boat and it is a lot more windy up there. We take some pictures and decide to head back to the table. They had put out some fruit trays so we grabbed some.
After we got back to the dock, we decided to head up and watch the Seahawks game. We tried the Pike Place Brewery first, but they didn't really have anywhere good to watch it. So he headed to the Tap House instead. Had some snacks and some beers. Oh yeah, they lost that day. After the game, we headed back to the hotel to figure out what to do for dinner.
until next time...
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