This morning the weather in Seattle was scheduled to maybe hit 80. And when the weather gets like that, people FREAK THE FUCK OUT!!! When you live in an area that is cloudy and/or rainy for 9.7 months out of the year, we really look forward to the nice days.

So this morning I decided to drive the convertible. This evening during the 1.5 hour drive home, Kaitlyn and I see some sort of plant that has a berry or a fruit on it. It kind of resembles a tomato. But smaller. So I figure we can get as much visual information about the plant as we can, and then google that shit. So I gather that there is a white flower growing from it and the questionable tomato fruit.Of course, then because my mind likes to wonder away from anything actually coherent, I start to think...what if this plant is some sort of toxic trap and lures people in with its berry and then unleashes a deathly fume towards you.
Here is how the plant really was.

Here is how my mind started envisioning it if we were to try to steal the plants fruit.

Anyway, we got home and I sat at my computer and googled 'white flowering plant with tomato like fruit'. I got through two pages of tomato plants. And then I gave up. I never did find out what it was, primarily because I started to look at other stuff on the internet. Or my attention was distracted by something shiny or maybe a toy or something.
I think I might have A.D.D. or something.
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