No, I have little tendencies. Like I'll be driving in the car, and I'll have to make sure that the windows are rolled up 38 times during my 12 mile drive. I'm pretty sure I am going to burn out the motor in my windows, because I am always clicking the switch up to make sure. I even put the lock on the windows so as to not accidentally roll them down while I'm driving on the freeway and freak out and have to roll them up RIGHT NOW! Unless it is hot.
I also have a problem with neatness. Not cleanliness, but neatness. Specifically at work. Everything has its place. And anything within arms reach (because lets face it, I'm too lazy to care that the thing I can't reach while I am sitting is moved) has to be perfect. But my mouse, keyboard, anything else right here has to be in its spot.
It is likely that I have some sort of A.D.D. I've never really gone and had it checked out because I don't want to be prescribed any crazy amphetamine medicine and be dependent on it and then decide one day that I don't need this medicine and you can't force me to take it any longer. And then I freak out all day because my mind is running wild and I can't think about anything. Because I do that now anyway, and I don't need to be taken off of any medication to feel that way. So I'll just skip that part.
I'll find that I try really hard to concentrate. I do okay at work. Sometimes though I'll be at home researching something really how to clean my deck. I'll need to find out the proper way to prep it and what kind of stain to use. I'll be about 10 minutes into it and I'll catch a glimpse of some ad on the side of the page about Italy or something. And then that will remind me that Kailtyn and I would like to go to Italy someday, which will lead to thinking about the mafia which will remind me of Goodfellas. And then I'll think about Donnie Brasco because that book is a kick ass book. And then I will need (yes NEED) to research every fucking thing about some random mafia guy that was in the book. And all this happens within about 47 seconds of seeing that ad. And then I'll spend the next 2 hours reading about some guy named Joey 'Sticky Pants' Ingourobo (totally a fake name) or something and I'll feel so accomplished because I now know that he may have killed 7 people on some heist once and then turned into a rat and is now in prison.

And I'll get up and have a brief moment of accomplishment and then notice the deck. And then realize that I still don't know what I need to do to clean the deck. And I sit and wonder if maybe I should really try to look it up and find the information that I need. But I give up and say I'll do it tomorrow, I'm too worn out right now.
That may not be a valid case for an A.D.D. diagnosis. Maybe I'm just a little crazy in the head. That's okay.
UPDATE: I should note that while I consider myself a mediocre free hand artist, I totally suck at MS Paint drawings. So I had to gain some motivation and influence from THIS blogger. She is really funny and is the reason I feel I need to add pictures to my stories. Here is a funny story about her dog.
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