
Monday, February 28, 2011

Start of week 4 - Rest week.

Or so they say.

Today we started week 4. It was supposed to be Yoga, but we decided to switch it out for Cardio X. Neither of us have fully come around to yoga yet, and since it calls for yoga twice this week we figured we would substitute for one of the days. On our schedule, it would fall on Monday or Saturday. We decided to switch tonight so that we didn't have to spend 1.5 hours after work doing this. That way on Saturday, we can give the full attention.

So, we start up the disk. And the first 20 minutes are yoga. lol. I was starting to think that we should have just done the regular yoga disk. After doing 9000 warrior poses and upside down dogs and chattybang push-up things, it quickly changed. We were suddenly thrown into Kenpo. There were about 5 or 6 sets of moves that were used in the regular Kenpo workout. So at least we knew them already and could get through them. I went at a slightly faster pace then they were going, which resulted in me doing 1 or 2 extra moves. I really wanted to make sure I was increasing my intensity, especially since this was going to be our rest week and since the first 20 minutes wasn't really giving me a workout yet. I thought this was supposed to be Cardio X!

As quick as we started Kenpo, it was over. Into Plyometrics. Again, the moves were taken fro the regular Plyo workout. I already knew where I could increase, and I did. I was quickly starting to think that I maybe should have taken it a little easier on Kenpo. This was the highest my HR was the whole workout. When we were finished with the plyo part, I was quickly trying to take my pulse. I was at about a 45 count in 15 seconds...I think. I lost count because it was going quick.

Did I mention that we haven't had a break yet? Usually in the workouts there will be a quick break to stretch or get some water. Of course we can always pause it if we want, but we try really hard to only break when the queues come up. Aside from a quick pause due to something in my shoe stabbing my toe, we didn't break at all. After Plyo was a group of random stuff that we haven't encountered before. I have a feeling they will show up on the Core Synergistics disk tomorrow. It was definitely core work. Running squats. You basically run in place while in a squat. Then there was this...roll...thing. You stand straight and bend at your knees and fall backwards and roll up onto your shoulders. Your feet come up and you try to touch your toes. Then you roll back up into a standing position. This was HARD. It is amazing how much strength you need to stand yourself back up without using your hands. Even using my hands I could barely stand back up.

Then finally. The Superman Banana. It is as ridiculous as it sounds, but wow what a workout. You lie on your stomach and raise your arms and legs, so essentially just your abdomen is touching the ground. Then, without using your hands or legs, you just roll over. Keeping your legs and arms off the ground the whole time. Now you're on your back with your legs and arms up. Oh, time to roll over again...of course, without using your hands or legs. Do this for a minute at random intervals. And thus ends Cardio X. I take back every thing I said or doubted in this disk. It is a GREAT workout. Highly recommend. Would use again. A++++++++++++++. (oh wait, wrong site).

All in all, a great workout. Tomorrow bring Core Synergistics...I think. I've yet to do this one so far, so it'll be a new learning curve. But I must say...I am actually excited to see what it'll bring for us.

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