
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

p90x update - week 12

I swear we didn't quit! I just have been really slacking on writing updates.

So, we started our final week today. (There is a rest week next week). We're had to start a day later, because we were busy on Monday night. So tonight we did Chest & shoulders again. I know that there has been a vast improvement since we first started. However, I feel like the weight I can do has gone down. It's been a while since we did these, especially the shoulders. That seems to be my weak point.

I am struggling with the weights days now. I'm ready to swap those out for maybe a cardio day or something. I'm thinking of building my own program that we can do 5 days a week (having weekends off). I'm thinking one week of full cardio work. And then the next week alternating days of weights and cardio. And then alternating those weeks with each other. But I don't know yet.

I guess I don't really have much of an update. We're winding down on the program. I suppose there is technically 2 weeks left, the normal week and the rest week. I'm glad that we were able to stick it out through the entire program with very little modification to the workouts. We changed a few of the days around yoga, but that was pretty much it.

So stay tuned for the final results. I'm kinda excited to see the difference in all the other numbers outside of my weight. :)

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